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Car insurance: 5 keys to be well covered

  We are convinced that you are aware of what the Law of Insurance 24.449 establishes, but just in case, we remind you: every automotive that circulates in the Argentine streets must have a car insurance contract. In case of an accident, the insurance company must compensate economically to third parties for the damages that the contracting party of the policy has caused and to this one (to the insurance contractor), in the cases that corresponded (as it is detailed in the contracted policy). Auto insurance To be covered in the event of an accident, even when you have contracted car insurance, there are certain elements that must be present at the time the covered risk is incurred. We mention them below:      Complaint: yes or yes you have to contact your insurance and report what happened. You have 72 hours Since the incident occurred to make the complaint, outside that term, you can no longer enjoy coverage. This is without effect if you have not bee...

What does and does not cover theft or theft coverage?

When you decide to take out car insurance, you choose between different types of insurance that vary according to the level of coverage and, therefore, with the policy that is going to be paid. In the highest range of types of insurance are those that are usually referred to generically as "insurance against all risks" and these are those that include protection against theft or theft. To know what covers and what is excluded from coverage against theft or robbery, the first thing to understand is the difference between these types of crime. While robbery usually presents some type of violence against the person who suffers the theft of a good, in the theft there is no contact with the person but the appropriation of property by another person occurs without contact with the owners thereof. In this sense, for example, if a tire is subtracted during the night while the car was parked, what has been suffered is a theft; But if you find yourself leaving your house ...

If I get hit by a third party without insurance, can I claim?

In fact, if you get hit by a vehicle that does not have its corresponding car insurance, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE CLAIM, almost as a social "obligation". We tell you this way, because in Argentina (and in most countries of the world) if you have a car, you are REQUIRED to hire insurance coverage, at least against third parties. So, if you make the corresponding claim to the authorities for the incident in which you unfortunately got involved, in some way, you will be working for the vehicle owner to act accordingly: contract insurance against third parties. If you are reading this article and you are one of the people who travel without having contracted insurance, we invite you to visit our website:, where you can quote your car insurance for FREE, compare prices and coverage ( All in the same place !!!) and hire insurance online. We guarantee that you will save time and money by taking out insurance online and that, in addition to a loss, it will ...

Is there a deadline to pay the claim?

Do we summarize some key terms and then talk about deadlines? Let's refresh the memory !.   insurance: a car insurance is a contract that covers potential risks that arise from the driving of a car. insurance policy: "is the contract between an insured and an insurance company, which establishes the rights and obligations of both, in relation to the insurance contracted."      car accidents: this is when the risk (or one of them) occurs that is discussed in the insurance policy. When the loss occurs, it is when the obligations of the insurance company begin. Now that we have left those terms clear, we tell you how is the issue regarding how long an insurer has to pay a claim Deadlines for the payment of car claims It is important to clarify that there is legal regulation regarding this issue, but that, in addition, it depends a lot on the type of accident in which you are involved and on the times that the company you have hired handles. With respect to l...

Things you can do to lower the risk of stealing your car

    About car theft you will hear about anywhere in the world. In some countries more and in others less, but after all, it seems to be an illicit activity known everywhere. Even, there are statistics that talk about stolen vehicles. In February of this year, we included in our blog, some posts that talked about the most and least stolen cars. Statistics on car theft On statistics, in this opportunity we want to tell you the following:      In the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires, statistics indicate that 73.54% of car theft in the country is produced.      In Greater Buenos Aires, 58.33% of crimes occur, in Federal Capital 15.21% and in the rest of the country the remaining 26.46% are stolen.      For all will be useful the advice that we will give you next, from the team of 123seguro. Even so, if you live in Buenos Aires, you find yourself in a high risk area, therefore ... do not stop reading what comes n...

How to carry out the transfer of a vehicle without difficulty (form 08)

How to carry out the transfer without difficulty? In the same digital portal mentioned, you can start the process, completing the information that will be requested there: Type of vehicle Kind of Procedure Applicant details Confirm data After that, you can enter the corresponding payment for the procedure and take a turn for the signature and completion of the transfer. Form 08 Form 08 "is free if buyer and seller (and their spouses, if applicable) certify the signatures in the Registry, at the time of processing. If not, they have to be certified by public notary. " This form, is the Transfer Certificate, is the certificate that gives validity to the transfer process, without this paper, the transfer would be NULL. Form 08 is a document that must be signed in front of PUBLIC WRITER or in front of the person in charge of the Registry of Motor Vehicle Ownership. With this signature, the transfer is finalized and finalized. Once the vehicle has been transferred: what ab...

Cases in which the Total Loss coverage does not apply

When a car insurance is contracted that has a coverage against total loss, what is mainly in mind is the possibility that, in the event of a loss or theft, the entire car is recovered or agreed upon by contract to be effective before these circumstances. The procedure should be simple and before the presentation of the corresponding documentation, the amount at stake for the acquisition of a new vehicle or for the replacement of what is pertinent would be received. However, it may happen that in the middle of the paperwork some of the issues involved are exposed. It is the moment in which the insurer warns that certain loss is out of coverage and one, in general, can not understand why. Surely what has happened is that some of the regulations were infringed. But, how? What should be taken into account? car So that these situations do not take you by surprise the best thing is to keep in mind what are the events or situations so a coverage of Total Loss would not be effective. ...

Do I have to meet any requirement to insure my car?

we have talked about multiple topics related to car insurance. We always try to write about issues that are useful to you, since by law, it is stipulated that you have to insure the car yes or yes, under penalty of a fine. Analyzing the topics on which we would like to inform you, this appeared: requirements to secure a car. It is a point that usually does not offer much information, so we consider that this writing can be somehow, revealing. Keep reading, we tell you more! While there are many, or complicated, there are some guidelines that must be met when hiring. Not all insurers handle the same items, but for the most part, when insuring the car, they ask you for the following requirements:      Cars up to 20 years old are insured. If your vehicle exceeds that number of years, it falls into the classic car insurance category      As for the aggregates that you have made to your car (that is, what you have put to the vehicle to "tune" it), ...

How long is an insurance policy valid?

It is extremely important that you have all the information regarding your insurance policy. You have to know what coverage you acquired, when the contract begins to take effect, in which cases the policy loses its validity, etc. Having all the information related to your auto insurance, will help you avoid misunderstandings and inconveniences.   The related to insurance, in Argentina is regulated by the National Insurance Superintendence. This body establishes the following as very important elements (that is, points to which special attention must be paid):      Start and end of the validity of the coverage.      The individualization of the things, goods or persons covered by the coverage.      The risks covered.      The sum insured.      The coverage exclusions.      If there are discoveries or franchises by the insured. As established by the Insurance Law...

Travel Safe: ways to take care of yourself inside your own car

Making a car trip can be a wonderful experience, especially if you are accompanied by loved ones. Traveling you can meet new cities, new landscapes and relax. Although it is also true that when driving there are a number of factors that can cause inconvenience and even accidents (for this last case, nothing better than having the peace of mind of having a good car insurance). Therefore, we believe that it is prudent and convenient to take measures before starting the journey and be prepared to get rid of possible unpleasant surprises and avoid unnecessary risks. Travel safely Go ahead! Keep reading a little more, we give you the advice that every safe traveler has to take:      It is important that in the car you include a first aid kit, so that in case of emergency you can count on the right elements, among them it would be good to have: sterile hydrophilic gauze, bandages and dressings of different sizes, hypoallergenic adhesive fabric, hydrogen peroxide, ...

What are the differences between theft and total theft for auto insurance?

  While either of the two facts, the consequences will not be pleasant at all, there is a fundamental difference that is established between theft and theft and that lies in the way in which the action has occurred. It is known that in all areas of life the concept of theft includes the use of violence for the appropriation of an alien element while, in the case of theft, the abduction occurs without the need to violate any situation and without any confrontation with the person. As it is given this differentiation is that insurers also offer different coverages according to the way in which the loss occurred. Knowing the difference between the concepts will alert you when it comes to knowing what coverage you have with the insurance you have or, from another perspective, know what coverage you would like to have and go in your search. Why is not car theft always covered? To produce, for example, the theft of your car in its entirety, you must have left the door open, t...

Consequences of automatic carwash

Washing the car very rarely is bad but washing it every day is not always productive either. The point is to find a middle ground that allows the car to be always ready without damaging any of its particularities. And in a matter of washing, there may be variables that have to do with doing a domestic hygiene of the car, in the house or in the street, for example, or having the car washed in some space destined for that purpose. The washing centers have increasingly opted to offer a style of manual washing or also called artisanal that closely resembles the cleaning that can be done at home and, as a contrast, have been leaving aside the washing centers automatic (although they still remain in certain places) since they began to be considered harmful for some issues of vehicular integrity. What are the real consequences of automatic car washing?   Automatic car wash If there is something particular about the cars, it is that each one has characteristics that are proper to...

Unofficial traffic signs

Being in the street driving a car is also learning a series of implicit codes with which you have to dialogue to be able to do things well or to be able to collaborate from our place to a well-being in the field of roads. Much of what is experienced or perceived on the street is learned in the previous courses that are taken to learn to drive or study for the time when you want to get a driver's license. However, the transit is not only theoretical that is studied and some actions that we decide to call "unofficial traffic signals" can occur and that somehow we have to know how to interpret. Many of us realized to the force that something had to be done at a certain moment with actions expressed by other drivers but it is never bad to prevent, especially those drivers who go out for the first time to the streets and who never realized that there were certain Signs that sought to express some alerts. How unofficial traffic signs are born Many of the unofficial ...